Housing Pool Check-In

Monthly Check-in for the Whatcom County Coordinated Entry Housing Pool

In order to stay active in the Whatcom County Coordinated Entry Housing Pool, you are required to check in on a monthly basis. Check in using the form below, or call 360-734-5121 ext. 5, then ext. 3, and provide the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Phone number
  • Mailing address
  • Where you stayed last night and how long you have been at that location
  • Your current total monthly household income and income sources (wages, TANF, ABD, SSI, etc.)

In order to stay active in the Whatcom County Coordinated Entry Housing Pool, you are required to check in on a monthly basis. Check in using the form below, or call 360-734-5121 ext. 5, then ext. 3, and provide the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Phone number
  • Mailing address
  • Where you stayed last night and how long you have been at that location
  • Your current total monthly household income and income sources (wages, TANF, ABD, SSI, etc.)

Monthly Housing Pool Check-In

Complete this form to check-in to the Whatcom County Coordinated Entry Housing Pool.