This blog post is written by our guest contributor, Talvi.

Talvi stands with Ellie, her good friend and Chore program volunteer with the Volunteer Center of Whatcom County.
My name is Talvi, and I’m different from most Opportunity Council clients – I’m a dog! An extra-fluffy dog, in fact. I get told a lot that I’m adorable. There’s my picture…do you agree?
I’m so glad that dogs like me get help from Chore program volunteers from the Volunteer Center of Whatcom County. I love my friend Ellie, my own Chore volunteer, who walks me regularly. I’m a small pup who’s big-time friendly.
Let me tell you about myself, since I’m pretty cool. My name means snow in Finnish! I have a lot of talents and I know lots of tricks, because I used to be a show dog. I’m even clever enough to back out of my harness, so I need two leashes when I go on walks.
My friend Ellie knows all of this and more because we hang out all the time. I get to run, which I love, and I have so many friends. They can tell I’m a happy gal!
My owner, Kate, depends on me. I love my person, but I’m only canine—I’ve got to stretch my legs! My walks with Ellie let me get my zoomies out, so I can be the doggo Kate needs. I won’t go into details (what kind of a best friend would I be if I didn’t respect her privacy), but without my help she wouldn’t be able to stay in her house. Having to move wouldn’t just mean finding a new place for my dog bed, but Kate would also have to find specialized housing, need more specialized help, and worst of all, I might not be able to go with her.
Thanks to the Chore program and all the volunteers that make it possible, I have a second best friend in Ellie. I get to stay with my Kate, and my Kate gets to stay in her home.