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In East Whatcom there is a Navigator/In Person Assister Tuesday-Friday 8:30am-4:00pm. Call 360-599-3944 to make an appointment or stop by 8251 Kendall Rd Maple Falls Wa. Drop in appointments are available.
Whatcom Alliance for Health Advancement is the lead organization of the North Sound Network and has many resources on their website. Click here to visit their informative website.
What is the Affordable Care Act?
It is a law enacted in March of 2010.
Many people will qualify for low or no cost health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act . Parts of the act have been put into effect and offer support by: ensuring people are no longer turned away due to a pre-existing condition, everyone insured has preventative care coverage, and mandating public reporting of the amount of premiums spent on health care costs of the insured.
Some Facts:
October 2013 marks the beginning of the enrollment phase of the Affordable Care Act.
Open enrollment is from November 1st 2015 – January 31 2016. Although, to avoid the penalty, enrollment for the uninsured must be completed by March 23,2013 as there is only a three month waiver for each year.
Coverage for those enrolled before December 23, 2015 will begin the first of January 2016.
Children are can be covered by their parents plan until they are 26.
No annual limits. No denial for pre-existing conditions regardless of wether they are a youth or adult.
People up to 138% of the Federal Income limits for poverty may be covered by Apple Health in the state of Washington.
Want to know more?
Here is a great federal resource with explanations.
Go to wahealthplanfinder.org to begin the process, find an In Person Assister close to you, and read about Washington State’s healthcare exchange.
This link takes you to a video explanation of the Affordable Care Act. And here you can read an article from the Seattle Times which gives a list of 20 things to know about the ACA.
In East Whatcom call or visit the EWRRC to speak with an In Person Assister Tuesday-Friday.
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~Open Weekdays 8:30am to 4:30pm ~ 8251 Kendall Rd, Maple Falls, WA ~ (360) 599 3944 ~