47 years ago, the U.S. Dept. of Energy created the Weatherization program which focuses on improving efficiency, durability and health and safety of homes. Services include installing insulation, reducing drafts, ventilation improvements and heating system maintenance. Today, the average Weatherization project provides $25,000 worth of work at no cost to qualifying households!
In 1982, Opportunity Council developed our local Weatherization program. Over the last 41 years, we’ve Weatherized thousands of homes in Whatcom, Island and San Juan counties.
In 1992, a partnership with Nooksack Tribe and Lummi Nation built on our Weatherization program to provide additional indoor air quality services, prioritizing serving tribal elders with diagnosed asthma. In 2002, OC received our first Weatherization Plus Health grant.
Studies show there may be a correlation between a home’s indoor air quality and a household member’s respiratory illness triggers and symptoms. Our Weatherization Plus Health program provides Weatherization plus services such as indoor air quality improvements, moisture reduction, pest mitigation and more.
Robin and Pat are just one of the families whose home we Weatherized this year. Originally built in 1935, their 88 year old home was heated by an old oil boiler system, supplemented with inefficient electric space heaters. We upgraded their heating system and made other improvements. In addition to reducing their carbon emissions we helped Robin and Pat save more than $200 on their average monthly heating bill, helping them make ends meet and keeping them warm and safe this winter.
If a household qualifies, there is no cost to homeowners or renters and their landlord/owner. This includes Opportunity Council Staff! To apply for Weatherization or Weatherization Plus Health, call 360-734-5121 ext. 1020 or email weatherization@nulloppco.org.

An Opportunity Council Weatherization team member inspects a crawl space, hoping to maximize the home's energy efficiency.

A home's old oil boiler system was replaced with this electric ductless heat pump.